How to Delete or Deactivate Facebook Account

If you are concerned about your online privacy or just getting tired of constant status updates from your school friends that are not actually that exciting at all or there is any other reason for which you are wishing to delete your Facebook account then you are at the right place.

How to Delete or Deactivate Facebook Account

 In this post we will talk about the process of how to delete Facebook step-by-step, including the difference between “Deactivating” and “Deleting” your Facebook account entirely.

It does not matter what is your reason, deleting or deactivating your Facebook account is actually pretty easy. Here is the process of it.

How to delete or deactivate a Facebook account- what’s the difference?

There are two different ways to get your Facebook account. The first is deactivating, which means:-
  •    You can reactivate your account whenever you want to.
  •    People cannot see your Facebook Timeline, or search for you.
  •   Some information may remain visible.

But deleting your account is a much more important matter. If you delete your account then:-

1.Your profile, photos, posts, videos and everything else you’ve added will be permanently deleted. You won’t be able to retrieve anything you’ve added.

2.You will no longer be able to use Facebook Messenger.

3.You won’t be able to reactivate your account.

4.Some information like messages you sent to friends may still be visible to them after you delete your account. Copies of messages you have sent are stored in  your friends’ inboxes.

5.You won’t be able to use Facebook Login for other apps you may have signed up  for with your Facebook account.

Basically, deactivating is a way to cool off from Facebook for a while, but deleting is a permanent solution that you should think carefully about before making your mind about it.

How to delete Facebook Account:-

If you have made your mind for deleting your Facebook account and you are ready to move on from Facebook forever, then here is the process in order to permanently delete your account:-

1. First of all you need to go to your setting page for that you can click the arrow in the top-right corner and access your settings from there:

2. On the left, you will have a list of settings available. Click on your Facebook information then on delete your account and information

 3. A page will appear with suggestions for deactivating your account or downloading your information. If you are not interested in either of these options, the click on delete account

Note: - It is good and advisable to download your information first before you delete your account. Because once you deleted your account then you cannot access your Facebook data again.

4. You will be asked to enter your password. Do it then click on continue

After you completed the above steps then you just need to wait for a couple of month for completion of your request to delete your Facebook account. If you login into your Facebook account within 30 days then your request to delete your Facebook account will be cancelled.

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